24-26 May
The first official camping trip of 2024 was to the Peak District.

As usual we stayed at Hardhurst Farm over the May Bank Holiday. Members arrived Friday throughout the day into the evening with the lucky ones being able to leave early to take advantage of an extra day’s activities. One early group headed for Stanage popular to do some trad while the other headed to Burbage North. By the time the climbers were off the crag the rest of the groups has arrived making a good turnout of 22. Supper for some of us was at the pub while the rest stayed at the campsite and cooked their own food.
Saturday was dry despite some reports of rain on the less localised reports. The mountain weather proved accurate for the day. We split between sport at Harpur Hill with Lee leading the way and Trad at High Nebb. A shower came in at the end of the day but we were mostly off the crags by then and it stayed dry for a BBQ at the campsite in the evening.
Overnight the rain came properly with a wet forecast for the rest of the trip.
Most the climbers decided to head home early Sunday but a smaller group of hikers and climbers stayed on. Nick And Neal managed to do a bit of top rope solo after brekky at the Outdoor Shop. Gill and Loz hiked up Lose Hill to the summit of Wooler Knoll. Adam and Charlotte did Win Hill. Nick and Neal headed home late Sunday while the others enjoyed late sun and stayed for Monday. Nigel also stayed on and amused himself in the Peak as he was unable to hike.
Monday saw Gill, Loz, Adam and Charlotte doing trad at Stanage. Loz completed his first two leads which is a good reward for perseverance with the weather.
Great trip and some quality climbs. And some extensive abseil practise!