Friday 15th to Sunday 17th July 2016
The advanced party, namely Kent, Ang, myself, plus Spud and Tiny (the dogs), arrived at Beeches Farm campsite on Friday afternoon. Once pitched we relaxed and took in the wonderful views of Brockweir and the Wye Valley below us.
On Saturday morning Keith J. arrived and the two of us set off to climb at the Great Central Cave Area at Shorn Cliff, a twenty minute walk away. Kent and Ang went walking with the dogs in the morning and turned up at the crag early afternoon. Iain, Julie and Marc D also arrived early in the afternoon. It was a hot day, but the crag was in the shade for most of the time which made it very comfortable for climbing. (There are some lovely, well protected climbs in the Musketeers area, all at a reasonably amenable grade). Gillian, Adam, Savannah and Gillian’s two dogs (Bob and Sky) did a sightseeing tour of the Forest of Dean and also had a great day.
In the evening BBQ’s were lit and we whiled away the hours counting stars (some of us were counting stars in the guide book!).
Sunday morning was another hot day, and most of the group had walks planned. Marc and I decided to climb and went to Wintours Leap where we did Cheetah and King Kong, two excellent routes, and for my part, very satisfying.
Participants: Alan, Kent, Ang, (+ Spud & Tiny), Gillian, Adam, Savannah (+ Bob & Sky) Iain, Julie, Keith J, Marc
Great trip and some quality climbs. And some extensive abseil practise!